Indwell: An Evening of Storytelling
Storytelling has always held a prominent place among humans. Our compulsion to write and tell stories, to read and hear them, points to the ongoing fascination we have with them. But what is it about story that captivates us?
Stories have a way of inviting us in, don’t they? They grab our attention by making us feel at home. Good stories evoke powerful emotions within us, giving us new insight into what it means to be human and to live in the world. Even more profoundly, we respond to story because it’s our common language. We relate to the language of story because life is story.
We invite you to an evening of storytelling on Saturday, December 8 as we celebrate Advent—the story of God coming to dwell with us in Jesus Christ. The night will include readings, carols, and stories about the experience of indwelling (i.e., living inside) the Advent story in our own lives. There will also be a time of open sharing for those who desire to read Scripture or share experiences of life with God.
The event will go from 7:00-8:30 p.m. Refreshments will be provided. Childcare will also be available for children 5th grade and under. We need to know how many people to expect, so please register for the event using the form below or at the Connect Table in the lobby of our worship facility.