Preparing for Sunday Worship: November 22, 2015

Here is this Sunday's worship guide.

Our order of worship is designed to tell God's Story by moving us through the main acts of the biblical narrative: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Renewal. The goal is for us to rehearse the drama of redemption and celebrate who Jesus is and what he’s done. Sunday worship is a powerful tool that God uses to form us as his people. We craft the worship guide with this in mind, but also with the intention that it be used throughout the week as an aid to help us walk authentically with God. 

This Sunday Pastor Jason will continue our "Abundance" series by preaching on "Abundant Forgiveness." We will also hear from Jamie and Sara Carty about their adoption experience as part of our participation in orphan awareness month. Below are the songs that we will sing:

Grace Alone

Love Came Down

10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)

Lead Me to the Cross

Before the Throne of God Above

Mighty to Save