12/10, Brenda Hutchenson Reflection

On weekdays during Advent we are posting the daily reflection from our Abundance Advent booklet here on our blog. You can download the booklet in its entirety here

“For if the readiness is there, it is acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what he does not have.”
2 Corinthians 8:12

I pondered a submission for this devotional for weeks, but each time I sat down to write, the words would not come. It’s not as if my family hasn’t experienced God’s overwhelming grace and mercy in this past year. In the last 12 months, my mom and brother died within two weeks of each other, our only daughter married and moved away, and on Reformation Day, God gave us a beautiful, healthy grandson! Throughout all these life changes, God also was mercifully healing mine and Keith’s broken marriage, through many hours of Godly counsel and the prayers of our brothers and sisters in Christ. 

But, I only realized what I should write when I received a check in the mail from my late parents’ estate settlement. It is a miracle, and my story of abundance.

My father was called into the ministry of Jesus when he was 21 years old. He pastored small churches until his death, 63 years later. He always worked one or two other jobs in order to make ends meet. There were eight of us children, the oldest being disabled from a birth injury. There were several years my father did not even make enough money to require the filing of income taxes. Some of his early parishioners informed us when Daddy died, that he had often put his church paycheck back into the offering plate. I know this was done as an act of faith, believing that God would supply his family’s needs.

My early years were filled with fears of having our electricity or heat turned off, due to late payments. It did happen, more than once. I have memories of hearing my mother boldly asking for leniency from the electric company and the slew of creditors demanding immediate payment. 

Once, when my father was blocked from adding to our local grocery tab, my mother began praying. God provided food in a miraculous way! On a bright sunny morning, there was a knock on the door of our modest, four-room home. My mom opened it to reveal a sheepish-looking, middle-aged man. Clearly humbled, the stranger related that God had led him to buy a trunkful of groceries and deliver them to our house. He had obeyed in faith. He said, "Ma’am, if you have someone to help me unload this food, it’s yours." My three growing brothers wasted no time in seeing to the task! This is only one of many stories I could share about my parents’ prayers, and God’s amazing provision.

After a long life of continued financial struggles, my father died, miraculously debt-free. But, we seven children waited with baited breath for the creditors to call. None did. We watched the mail, expecting bills for his extended hospital stay. None came. Not even seven years later, when my mom died. We’ve asked questions, but have gotten no reasonable answers. 

Oh, yeah, the check. The sum total of my financial inheritance—$3,463.07. Yes, a miracle in itself! But, my spiritual inheritance from them is far, far more precious! It is the legacy of two lives lived with devout faith in God and His ability to provide. This is the abundance inheritance I have received, and the abundant legacy which I hope to pass on to my children and my children’s children.