Mental Health in a Time of Quarantine

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The coronavirus outbreak has disrupted our lives by driving us into isolation and threatening our spiritual, mental, and physical health. Since God cares about the whole person, we do as well. So this week we want to direct you to resources that can help you prioritize your spiritual, mental, and physical health during this challenging season of life. Today we focus on mental health resources.

We find ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic. The uncertainty and isolation caused by the COVID-19 crisis can be overwhelming, causing anxiety, fear, and grief. How do we process our emotions and protect our mental health during this time? We have compiled some tools and articles below that may be helpful as you navigate this question.

If you need assistance finding a mental health professional to talk to at this time, please email our director of community life, Margie Comanda, and she will be glad to direct you.

COVID-19 Crisis Navigation Tool

Reflections: Three-minute Reflections to Pause, Breathe, and Refocus
