Update: Reopening Process (July)

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City Church Family:

In June we began a process of reopening for in-person worship gatherings by inviting one community to attend the livestream of our worship service each Sunday. As communicated last week, our plan was to advance to phase two in July. However, we learned over the weekend that a church member who attended the June 21st worship service tested positive for COVID. Out of an abundance of caution we cancelled the worship service this past Sunday as Pastor Jason live-streamed a Scripture reflection instead.

We have since made the decision to hold off on advancing to phase two of our reopening process at this time. Beginning Sunday, July 12th we will return to inviting one community group each Sunday to attend the livestream of our 10:30 a.m. worship service. The goal for the month of July is to keep attendance under 25. The updated schedule through the first Sunday of August is outlined below.

July 5th - Worship service participants only
June 12th - Trinity Vicinity CoGro
July 19th - Cool Spring CoGro
July 26th - Kennett Square CoGro
August 2nd - Newark CoGro

On the week your group is invited to attend, we ask that you inform your community group leaders if you plan to attend no later than Friday of that week. If you are not connected to a community group and desire to attend one of the services, please email Margie Comanda and we will be glad to make that happen.

We ask you to stay home if:

  • You are high-risk for contracting COVID-19

  • You have a cough, fever, or shortness of breath, or if you are sick at all

  • You have been exposed to anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days

If you feel unsafe about returning to in-person worship at this time, or if you are uncomfortable with the guidelines that we will implement (see below), please do not hesitate to stay home and join the livestream of the service. 

Below are some of the guidelines we will implement to promote safety:

  • The front doors and sanctuary doors will be propped open.

  • Individuals age thirteen (13) and up are required to wear a cloth face covering to enter and remain inside (recommended but not required for children ages 2-12). Face coverings will be available for those who do not have one.

  • Hand sanitizer will be available.

  • Social distancing of at least 6ft will be required. Seating in the sanctuary will be arranged accordingly. Family members of the same household may remain together.

  • Children must remain with their parent/guardian at all times. There will be no physical City Church Kids ministry (including nursery).

  • Those leading in the service will remove face coverings only when singing or speaking from the stage.

  • Offering baskets will not be passed; we will continue to encourage online giving. 

  • Printed worship guides will not be distributed; we will continue to provide an online version.

  • We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper in a safe manner starting on July 19th.

I know we all long for the day when we will be able to experience Sunday worship as we once did. Until that day, we must remain patient and flexible. God has sustained us as a church family during this crisis. We have every reason to trust that he will continue to do so as we enter the next phase. 

Grace & Peace,
Pastor Jason