12/22, Heather Tansley Reflection

On weekdays during Advent we are posting the daily reflection from our Abundance Advent booklet here on our blog. You can download the booklet in its entirety here.

“I know that when I come to you I will come in the fullness of the blessing of Christ.”
Romans 15:29

I am an individual that can certainly attest to God’s abundance over the past year. I transitioned from a time of great loss and loneliness to finding my true love, getting married, and being surrounded by new babies that I get to spoil. Yet I find myself wanting more things to complete my happiness—well, four things specifically. I find that I lie to myself saying, “You’ll finally be happy if you get these four things.” For those of you that are wondering, the four things are a baby, a cleaning person, a vacation trip, and a set of dressers. (All of which I think are extremely reasonable desires.) However, the other day when I was particularly loathing my existence because I was faced with the despicable task of cleaning the bathroom, it struck me that not all that long ago I was telling myself I would just be happy if I could find the love of my life and get married. Then I realized how wrong I had been (Sorry, Rich - Love you, XOXO). Even though I am extremely happy being married, it has not fulfilled all of my wants and desires and it certainly has not kept me from wanting more. So while I still want those four, very sensible, things, I am hoping to use this advent season to remind myself that they will soon be replaced different things and that I cannot place my hope for fulfillment in those things. Meanwhile, I will thank God that He sent Jesus to give true joy and fulfill every one of my desires more abundantly than I can ask or imagine.