On weekdays during Advent we are posting the daily reflection from our Abundance Advent booklet here on our blog. You can download the booklet in its entirety here.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good
His love endures forever
To him who alone does great wonders
His love endures forever
Who by his understanding made the heavens
His love endures forever
Who spread out the earth upon the waters
His love endures forever
He remembered us in our low estate
His love endures forever
And freed us from our enemies
His love endures forever
He gives food to every creature
His love endures forever
Give thanks to the God of heaven
His love endures forever
From Psalm 136
He made us and said that we are good
His love endures forever
He loves, pursues, forgives us when we turn from him
His love endures forever
He died for us
His love endures forever
He calls us his sons and daughters
His love endures forever
He is teaching us what this really means
His love endures forever
He heard our prayers and answered
His love endures forever
He has multiplied love in our home beyond our understanding
His love endures forever
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good
His abundant love endures forever